Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Paul Friedlander

What exactly is light? Light is something that makes it possible for us to see everything around us. It illuminates our life and allows us to enjoy all of the visual pleasures of our world. Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines it as the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual receptors; and electromagnetic radiation of any wavelegnth that travels in a vacuum (volume of space that essentially empty of matter) with speed of about 186,281 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second; specifically : such radiation that is visible to the human eye. The five main properties of light are intensity, wavelength, polarization, phase, and orbital angular momentum. It also has a ride range of colors and varies with variations in the wavelength.

The most intriguing aspect of Friedlander's work is the musicality of it. It has a harmonious flow it the way the light moves. And the great ranges in colors add to the emotion of it. It is very inspiring for me because as a musician I can appreciate the manner in which he uses his work to inflict different emotions and ideas. His work has a certain playfulness to it that has made it quite enjoyable for me to look at.

His handheld kinetic light sculpture that was done in London in 2004 remains the most interesting to me of all of his works. The reason I am fascinated by this piece of work is because of the manner in which it changes. You cant just take a picture of it and grasp the complete greatness of the sculpture. As he moves it around the colors change, the size of the waves change, the intensity changes, and the feeling that come across change. This constant change makes it a very captivating piece of work. not only for the eyes, but for the soul.

Julien Breton, a French light calligrapher, on the other hand has a much different approach to light art. It relates more to the aspects of graffiti art. He lets his work flow and it involves a great deal of imagination in creating the different strokes. Breton and Friedlander do have some similarities in their work however. Both of the artists use methods that allow the light to flow in a harmonious manner. They just use it to portray different ideas.


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