My own personal process with design has grown and developed as this first year in the IARc program has moved on. In the beginning I started out very unsure of how to in fact start what I was doing. But as I completed project after project I came to realize that I had already had a process of my own, and it was working for me. I begin each project by reading through the project guidelines, and after this is done ideas come rushing through my head so fast its hard to even remember all of them. Because of that fact, I write as many of the ideas down as I can at the moment. After that I look back over the project sheet and see if there was anything I missed and to help me decide which direction i should go in. Once I choose my direction I head to the sketchbook and start drawing some things out and writing information down to elaborate on my idea. I also go on to the computer and look up some things that have previously been done and some things that I feel go hand in hand with that I have in mind. Over the rest of the duration of the project I build up on what I initially created, making adjustments as necessary [which I plan out in my sketchbook], and going back to the original guidelines to insure that I am staying on track and not losing what the essence of the project is about.
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